Thursday, June 11, 2009

My Alien Earrings Glow-In the Dark...Roswell

3:30 AM Carmen’s Log: the curtain on my bottom bunk bed pulls to the side and a bright light shines into my sleepy, crusty eyes. The light shrunk my pupils down to pinpoints as I rolled away from the beam of light pulling me into its stream. Without a thought, I pulled the curtain to and went back to bed as I faintly heard someone ask, “Are you an American citizen?” No this wasn’t an alien abduction, but the were checking to see if I was an illegal alien.

After a whole trip of trying to discover what makes people in the U.S. citizens, I laughed to myself the next morning as I woke up to acknowledge the fact that it hadn’t been one nightmare or dream. Next time I cross the border I will do it during the day.
Entering Roswell, the WB show with four attractive teenage aliens and a Dido soundtrack streamed through my mind. “Downtown” proved quite the experience as we read the Arby’s signs welcoming aliens in English and extraterrestrial. After a brief swoop of the UFO Museum with a tinge of skepticism and a picture with the poster of the Roswell TV show. Our group met Guy Malone to experience a new type of religious expression. This encounter is one I had never intended to have in Roswell and I gained a new sense of freedom of religion in America.
Guy Malone has been a local Roswellian for the past ten years and began the Alien Resistance in the town. As we ate croissant sandwiches and bagels, Malone’s story unfolded as he discussed his own abduction and visions as a child in unobtrusive detail. His background from a non-religious family led him to explore many cults and religions. In what he feels as a search for truth about what happened to him in his abduction and to prevent its reoccurrence.
After further study, he consulted a Christian friend whom he had come to prod with questions of faith. After this man’s response that aliens were demons, Malone got to thinking. Since this revelation, Guy believes that aliens are attacks from demons and can be saved by God. A very different perspective than most Roswell alien believers have, Malone’s group thrives with support- financially and prayerfully- from churches in the area.
All of this seems a little extreme and hard for me to believe, but he does pose some good points that different people in the past have all experienced these encounters, visions, exorcisms, etc. With these experiences throughout time, it seems only plausible that they might call these experiences by different names. Also, his action, as a Christian, is that in order to help people who have been “abducted” is not to turn them away. In that, it tells them that their problems are too big for God and they will turn to other, more accepting, groups such as cults.
When I was in high school I proved in a research paper the loch ness monster did not exist due to scientific evidence, but now I am not so sure that science has all the answers. I am also not so sure if people are just trying to keep alive myth to continue tourism in the Roswell area. But I was very surprised to have a religious encounter above an extraterrestrial one in Roswell or discover a link between devils and aliens. Even though my beliefs do not necessarily follow that of an alien resistance follower, it is always good to be challenged in how I go about my life and spirituality. Our interview proved to me a religious expression I did not know otherwise. With the new information, I can apply it to myself to encourage and listen to people who come to me with information and problems even if it is that they saw ET’s glowing belly. I still cannot answer the big question, “Do aliens exist?” I would like to believe they do and are good, attractive aliens trying to make the world better as they try to live amongst us humans peacefully.
Lake and laundry later today…

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